Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Reflections from the Heart


The Heart Speaks~Sacred Intercourse... Merton... Neverland... Juanita... Solitude... Remembering

Jan 14, 2020

Saying For Today: There is a world of difference between knowing about and knowing. Knowing about is information, knowing is revelation.

The Heart Speaks

*Brian Wilcox. 'The Heart Speaks'. Flickr.

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This writing, like many others I do, seemed to take me on an adventure. I feel a participant, but not the creator, more that something is being created through me, with me, but only for I am allowing something to be drawn forth from deep within the well of Self. So, like what I write about, I hope this work reflects how I seek to live, to be with others, living in the Beloved One. One may see a connection between the different musings here, or not, no such connection was intentionally in mind during the unfolding of these reflections from my heart to your heart. And these words are first not to understand, but to feel, to let the something from which these words arise greet you and welcome you more fully and deeply into Itself. Enjoy! and enjoy Life!

Video can be accessed on original site via upper left artist-title below...

Recently, having studied much the Enneagram years prior and having come upon a book about the Enneagram and sex, I briefly viewed it. After years of reading much, I read much less than in the past. Possibly, I am at an age to realize how ideas, how accumulation of advice and information can lead us to keep gathering and gathering, not living and living. I wonder what would happen for two persons to forget about the ideas about sex and just welcome learning to love one another, by being with one another? To realize that life is like that too? For is not the intercourse between persons enjoying sexual intimacy a mirror of the sacred summons to be intimate with the world? with Life Itself? So, this brought to mind a little analogy I used to employ in teaching about direct experience...

A man sits at a table, he looks at a menu. Everything looks so delicious. He eats the menu. When the waiter comes to take his order, the man says he's already had his meal. "Oh, I didn't know," said the waiter, "and how did you like it?" "It was awful!," exclaimed the man, "just awful!"

A Jewish Scripture says, "Taste, so see that the One is good." The only way to enjoy closeness with anyone or anything, in any way, is to taste. I cannot know anything or anyone, or God, in theory. Life, like you or me, can only be truly known intimately, in this one moment of direct immediacy of sacred intercourse; otherwise, we are somewhat a spectator, not a participant, not with the adventure. We may be sharing much, but not sharing that most important: ourselves.

No, I am not saying the map cannot be useful. But the map is a map, it cannot convey the subtle diversity that makes us together who we are, and life what it is. The map cannot tell me who you are in this moment, cannot give me the sense and feel of you, or anything, now, in this one moment held within the Arms of Eternity.

The lover of the Beloved says, both to the Beloved and the other, "I want to know you, not know about you." There is a world of difference between knowing about and knowing. Knowing about is information, knowing is revelation.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Reflections from the Heart

©Brian Wilcox 2024